Eid ul Fitr celebration
Eid ul Fitr is a celebration for Muslims to mark the end of Ramadan when Muslims perform the obligatory fast for the whole month. The Muslim community in Nelson also hopes to celebrate Eid with families and friends including individuals and organisations from the wider community, Eid celebration focuses a lot on families and children and NWMA hope to be able to provide a programme that will provide some joy particularly for our growing young families and hence, continue to keep the tradition alive down the generations.
Eid ul Fitr is one of two significant celebrations for Muslims. It is a time for families and friends to celebrate after the challenges faced throughout the month-long fast in Ramadan. It is a time to reflect and repent on the past and do better in the future. It is a time to acknowledge the sacrifices made through the abstention from food and drink and the purification attained through giving donations (zakat) and sharing of good fortune with those less fortunate including the poor, the orphans and people facing hardship and suffering. Here in Nelson, where Muslims are distanced from their wider families and friends, it becomes more crucial for the community to find support and unity with each other. At the same time, it will provide an opportunity for our parents to engage our children in continuing to keep the tradition alive down the generations. Nelson Whakatu Muslim Association (NWMA)
Photos by Kat Beyle https://www.wiphala.co.nz/