The Treasures-Lunchtime sessions at Nelson Intermediate

Afro-Colombian Dance, Yoga & Meditation

‘Nelson Intermediate is lucky to have a student population that has many different ethic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. We would like to provide spaces for the different groups within our school to have the opportunity to practice, maintain and celebrate their cultural treasures. We know that activities that nurture language and culture are powerful vehicles for supporting and bolstering one's identity. Furthermore, by celebrating such things as a school we can show that all ākonga are welcome at our school; all of their treasures are worth celebrating.

We invited two community groups into Nelson Intermediate to share their expertise with students who had expressed an interest in the programme. Both Afro-Colombian dance and the Yoga & Meditation sessions were delivered weekly.

At Nelson Intermediate, we are privileged to have students from many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. While Aotearoa New Zealand is both bicultural and multicultural, it is very important to celebrate those who make our communities richer.

It has been a privilege getting to know the community members who came to share their cultural knowledge and experience with us. By opening our school to these things, I think that we not only showed that they add value into our lives and enrichen our society but we also served to help the community members perpetuate and treasure their cultural expertise.

The project introduced the different community groups' cultural treasures to a new audience. Furthermore, refugees from those community groups were able to participate in these sessions, supporting them to hold onto, and feel proud of, their valuable knowledge from home.’ Chris Mulholland

Photos by Kat Beyle


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