The War of Chimeras
Ukraine Documentary Film ‘The War of Chimeras’ is a compelling documentary directed and produced by Anastasiia and Mariia Starozhytska, a remarkable mother-daughter team who are Ukrainian refugees now residing in Auckland. Their film delves into a part of the rich history of Ukraine, offering a unique perspective on the struggles and triumphs of its people.
On Saturday, 24 February at 7 pm, the Suter Theatre in Nelson hosted this extraordinary event, which was open to the general public. Following the screening, there was a facilitate a Q&A session, fostering a deeper cultural awareness and understanding of Ukraine's history.
This event was a rare opportunity for the people of Nelson and Tasman to engage with a powerful narrative, and it is believed it will significantly contribute to the cultural tapestry of our community - Tautoko Ukraine
102 people (out of 130 seats total)
“February 24, 2024 is the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion by Russia of Ukraine. However, the conflict started much earlier when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. This film created from ordinary Ukrainian people's thoughts and experiences helped all who saw the film to have a greater understanding of the political/historical situation of Ukraine and how they affect the greater world. Having some time for a Q&A directly from the producers/directors fostered an even deeper experience of the plight of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainian community sincerely thanked everyone, especially our funders, to make this event possible for educational purposes for our community at large and to meet each other for good korero. Without your support of the hiring of the venue, we would not dare show this moving film as we have very limited funds. We also thank Shared Communities for sending us Rami, the professional photographer and we look forward to his photos. Thank you again.” - Mary Bronsteter
Photography - @Rami.Pixel