Our Living Room

‘Our Living Room' Workshop we raise collective awareness of the history of Pascific activism both in our Pacific homelands and in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Specifically, it focuses on the Pacific activism of the Polynesian Panthers. At the two-hour workshop, participants will be asked to consider the following questions/themes in pairs or groups and will be asked to feedback to the whole group: In terms of the critical pedagogy of racism: How would you annihilate racism in your work context? What is Pascific empowerment and how would you incorporate this in your working context? Why would you want to 'educate to liberate' and how would you do this?’

‘The Pasifika Community is the fastest growing demographic in Nelson. We also face exploitation, health issues, accomodation, language, cultural and systemic racism. Polynesian Panther Legacy Trust Living Room assists non Pasifika who wish to engage with our community in a culturally safe many. Pasifika engagement and access to support suffers because lack of understanding, trust and safety. The workshop is designed to enable meaningful communication and most importantly relationships. This will be done through attendees workshopping through their own practices, biases and world views.’ Matty Anderson - Polynesian Panther Legacy Trust

Photos by Kat Beyle https://www.wiphala.co.nz/


Nelson Intermediate Lunch Time Sessions


He Raihi Whakatū - Rice Workshop